30 January 2011

I've been...

...busy! Sure, I've been busy. Over the last week and a half I've spent so much time with my family and friends that I am just floating on happiness, not to mention the new "thing" that's coming in April. No, no, it's not a baby, a graduation or a cute little furry one (though the latter would be wonderful!). We'll talk about it in April :)

Thus, it's time to do some cleaning out & organizing. One never knows when life will demand a change, a move, a rapid change-of-plans. In any case, I washed & dried my new set of *beautiful* Chirp dishes and put them in the cabinet. To fully initiate them, I am planning a puzzle-themed dinner party with the Woo gang. Floppy socks not allowed. Nor are lifted pant legs, unless they are capris (man-pris allowed!). Hmm, so what will the menu include? This I am still trying to figure out; it must be vegetarian fare, possibly vegan, though I will have to quiz the attendees to find out for sure. Vegan is a little much for me, but when there are guests I will make accommodations.

Besides the initiation supper, the calendar seems to be filling rapidly. There is a minor medical procedure, a 99th birthday party, weekends at home with the family, the Irish Comedy Tour, and a trip to PA...and then April ;)

Happiness fights sadness.
Independence fights loneliness.
Forward newness fights tugging-back memories.
Relaxation fights git-er-done.
Salsa fights Tango.

It's time to live together in peace and balance...work yourselves out already!

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