11 September 2008


I'm not feeling too creative about my title today. And I don't feel like uploading those photos that I said I would upload today. My back hurts from sitting like a stupid hunched-over idiot at my laptop. I didn't do my laundry like I wanted to today. I didn't make it to the bank. I didn't call my loan shark to ask him my questions about paying off the principal. And apparently I'm seeming a bit grumpy right now, oops!

I had to get those things off my chest, but I'm not grumpy at all. I'm quite relaxed and only slightly anxious. I have a bit of a headache and I'm suffering from some weird minute-bumpy things on my face. I've got to do a little research, find out if it's the new facial cleanser that I bought. It's a Vitamin C wash and I love citrus...but perhaps my face does not? It's from Avalon Organics, so I know it's supposed to be good.

For some reason I get hungry when I write. I think I'll have a sip of water...actually, it was somewhere between ten and twelve gulps. I was thirsty!

This morning Chad came and bought my old car. YAHOO! I woke up early, dragged my lazy bum out of bed and went straight downstairs to clean her up. I used the shop vac, then about five different cleaning solutions to try and get the old grime off the door jambs, interior and any other dirty spots I came across. I even scraped off all of my old stickers! What a tear at my heart strings. My very first bumper sticker, "Save water, shower with a friend," could not be salvaged. Darn. I tried to salvage the Rose Island Lighthouse sticker too, from my trip with Stacie a few years ago, but it tore to pieces. The only "sticker" saved was the URI Alumni Association static-sticker. I found this "OOPS!" grime remover in the basement that took off the sticky stuff remaining from the backs of the stickers. It was incredible! I was tempted to just use some gasoline that was in the garage, but didn't. It's a good thing too because mom needed it a couple hours later to fill the mower!

It was a strange feeling to see Chad drive away in my old Subaru, my baby. My first car. I could feel the cash in my pocket, burning, waiting to be put to use, but it was bittersweet nonetheless. My baby is gone. I'm happy to know that she and I went on many road trips together...to Ohio, Pennsylvania, Jersey, NYC, Connecticut, all over Mass, Rhode Island, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont. That car knows the Northeastern US like none other. I'm also glad to know that Chad will take care of her and really run her into the ground, as I had originally intended.

Boy, I am pooped. I'm going to bed. Perhaps I'll have more energy next time and will have more jokes to tell, more sarcasm to dish out and more recipes to share. Au revoir!

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