15 October 2008

Mr. Big

Sometimes I feel like the strangest things affect my emotions. Take tonight, for example - I watched the Sex and the City movie. It had a huge impact! It made me miss my closest girlfriends (okay, that makes sense), then it made me long to find the love of my life and start my life with him (again, makes sense)...but I cried and cried...and cried! I'm a sap, I cry at the movies, reading touching articles and, yes, the occasional commercial. But for those of you that know me, you know that I can be rough and tumble too! I can arm wrestle, do push-ups and pull-ups and hang with the boys. I just cry more than they do!

Alas, there are a lot of big things going on in my life and I guess all of those things combined have me a bit on the emotional side these days. My closest girlfriend has finally come back to the East coast after four years of living over 3,000 miles away, YIKES! And still, she is 5 hours away and I am waiting a couple more weekends before I drive down there. I already told her I'd pay her gas mileage if she drives up here and ((the catch)) helps me clean out all my stuff for my "big move"...isn't that what best friends are for?

Speaking of the "big move" - you know I spent six days in Colorado checking the place out, trying to see if I could see myself living there. And you know what? I can. I wasn't entirely sure at first, mostly due to the fact that the week wasn't perfect. There were some "issues" while I was away, but no day goes unwrinkled...so why should my little vacation be any different?

Besides those two huge issues, I am living at home with two crazy roommates (i.e. mom and dad) who are in the midst of a huge project - renovating the kitchen and upstairs bathroom. The bathroom is almost finished, thank goodness, but the kitchen probably has another month or so before it's all completed. There's been some arguing over details and harried decision-making that comes with the stress of a big home project, but overall it's going quite well...now that the wheels are greased and turning. So yeah, living with my crazy roommates is a little jilting at times.

Another thing? Jobs. None. Well, that's sort of a lie. I have a waitressing job in the restaurant where I worked all summer, but I'm a little bored of it. I also have the same brainless holiday job lined up that I had last year if I want it - making holiday gift baskets for the specialty food store in town. I gotta admit, my baskets last year were gorgeous! The boss is a little crazy, but a great guy to work for.

Wait a minute...who isn't crazy that I know? HA! Probably no one...especially not me! I'm a crazy bitch just the same.

There you go. A short bit of crazy ramblings and now I'm off to la la land. I have three minutes to fall asleep before the clock strikes 1 am. Don't worry...it's past midnight, I'm already in rags and my teddy bear is no longer a gorgeous chariot driver...he's just Teddy.

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