12 June 2009

Resting in peace....

My friend Mark died yesterday.

Mark Louis Francis Nicholson.
Beautiful, kind, generous, motivated.
Genuine, truthful, wise beyond his years.
A speedy cyclist.
A meticulous furniture designer.
A wonderful husband.
Most of all, an incredible human being.

Not enough words can express the impact that knowing Mark had on my life. Every time I hop on my bike, I think of Mark. Every time I look at my garden or water my plants, I think of Mark. Every time I take the vegetarian option, I think of Mark. These are just a few examples of the daily parts of my life that remind me of someone so close to my heart.

Mark knew me...and we hardly lived together for long. He advised me...based on his intuitive knowledge of the person I am. He inspired me...in ways he never even knew.

Perhaps the next owl you or I see will contain Mark's spirit. Wise. Liberated. Patient. And perhaps there will no longer be any suffering for Mark and he will continue on with that positive nature of his that we all love so dearly. That smile. Those kind eyes. That really good hug.

I'm sure gonna miss you buddy...xoxo. Always.

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