10 September 2008

just when you think you're normal...

...the tunnel falls in and you're covered in silt, cement and broken pieces of wire.

Perhaps it's not that bad, but it's pretty darn confusing growing up. Families turn out to be dysfunctional...secrets are no longer secrets but parts of the learning process...there is no right or wrong path for us, we only have to pick the one (or two, or three) that we want to try...sometimes fighting with loved ones can be a constructive process.

Things I enjoyed today:
- Spending the day in Boston with mom (even if I slept for an hour and a half while we were there)
- Scavenging for veggies in gram's garden with my family, before the first frost
- Receiving a free sample of Kotex pads and tampons in the mail - HAHA
- Making fun of the bobble-headed-looking people across the waiting room (their heads were misshapen through the glass of the fish tank)
- Watching a dreamy, fairy-tale like movie, "Penelope," with my family
- Protecting our houseplants from possible frost (bringing them inside from the cold exterior)
- Finding out that Allie is coming to Denver too!!!
- Knowing that at 7:30am tomorrow my old car will be SOLD and GONE from the driveway!
- Planning tomorrow's lunch date with Renee and possible black bean soup date with Ryan
- Seeing photos from my brother's first fashion show (Max Azaria/BCBG)...he was a viewer, not a model...but he's got the potential ;)
- Knowing that tomorrow is another day off.

Once again I'm up later than I'd like and will be waking up earlier than I'd like. The good thing is that my baby girl, my old Subaru, will be going to a new home tomorrow morning. It will be a bit sad to see her go, but worth it's weight in gold...or cold, hard cash as I am soon to find out.

I've realized that I am in love with two men...Colin Firth and James McAvoy. One, a sexy, older Brit and the other, a younger, more mysterious Scot. I definitely have something for the UK-ers...or pretty much any man who can pull off sexy and accent. Sold. This week I watched "Then She Found Me" (Helen Hunt, Colin Firth, Bette Midler, Matthew Broderick) and "Penelope" (Christina Ricci, James McAvoy, Catherine O'Hara). Both great movies. The first captured my emotions - my ever-changing faith in Judaism and "is there a god?", love, childbirth vs. adoption. The second movie captured my imagination and secret passion for love stories. I'm a sucker for fairy tale love stories...not quite the Princess Bride cheese type (though I do love this movie), but stories that could potentially be real, though are quite obvious to be screenplay.

Tomorrow I intend to post some photos about things I've written about today. I no longer have the energy to function...it's too late (or early, as it's 1:30am). Sheesh, will I ever get back on a "normal" sleeping pattern?

I like to hope so.

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