06 November 2008

That guy next door...

Tonight in the library I ran into the guy with the beard who works next to my building. Apparently he has a second job at the library. His name is Seth. I am sure I will see him around....

I just finished "reading" L'Affaire, a book on tape that takes places in Val Marie and Paris, France. I'm not sure if the first place is a real ski village or one created by the author. It was a great book - about an American woman who sells her dot-com company in Palo Alto, CA and goes away to France for a few months, hoping to get the experience of her life. And that she does! In France, she winds up assisting a family of whom two relatives are seriously injured in an avalanche in the Alps, ends up in bed with two married men - the first, an Austrian Baron and the second, an egotistical anti-American Frenchman called Emile. Emile also winds up in bed with his wife's half-sister, before realizing who she is. Amy, the American woman, winds up acting as benefactor for the little brother of the girl injured in the avalanche and also taking care of the girl's baby, Harry. There are so many twists and turns that I cannot even write them all down without getting you so confused! In any event, it was an excellent book and I recommend it if you love the sound of French words and accents and steamy love affairs.

And speaking of love affairs, I've been doing a lot of love-daydreaming lately.... About the guy I met in the farmlands of Peru, the one I met at the salsa club in Denver. The guy I see at the recording studio next door, the guy I dated a few years ago who's finishing a stint in the military. There's also the guy I met in NY, mysterious, compassionate and seemingly interested in me too, though definitely not my type. Alas, daydreaming is what keeps me going when I get bored!

It kinda makes me wonder...is someone daydreaming about me too?

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