31 August 2010

We broke up.

And it hurt...a lot. I am still reeling from the split and wondering if this is permanent or just a break. Weren't we just getting serious? And what is "ready" anyway? There are still so many unanswered questions and I hope to get some answers next time we meet. I would prefer to see him face-to-face and have another conversation. Are the broken bits fixable? Are there changes worth making? Do we have enough patience to make it work? Only time will tell, everyone says. And until the day I "know" I will remember that I AM GOING TO BE OKAY. That I AM OKAY now and I am getting better. Ugh.

12 August 2010

And it was good.

Studying for the GRE. Applying for jobs. Interviewing. Studying. Thank you letters. Choosing a career path. Getting serious about the relationship. Weddings (not mine...yet). Applications. Stress. Communication. Not enough time to eat lunch. Chocolate milk. Garden vegetables. Paying bills. Going camping. Eating more meat...again. Summer in Wormtown!
