20 August 2013

How to Peel a Head of Garlic in Less Than 10 Seconds

I learned this today and can't wait to try it!


Happy peeling! :)

Managing emotions on the playa

I didn't have a shell-shock first year as was warned and managed quite well, other than being overwhelmed by so many events and not really knowing where to find certain camps. Everyone really helped by loving me and encouraging me as a newbie (thank you TaaP!).  Having Cami by my side was incredible too, though at times I admit I was a little leech (love you baby!) ;) I also reunited with two summer camp friends I hadn't seen in 15 years!  That was amazing :)

This year I plan to adventure more, and solo, and I've got a handful of emotions to sort through on playa this year...reading this article and watching the video got me excited for "me time", which I am long overdue for :)
I really can't wait to hug everyone - expect tears! I'm a little ball of woundupedness this year!!!

Four days 'til playa!!!! *sigh*
