I'm now two days back from my trip to India and was really feeling the tiredness at work today. I had a difficult time processing some of the easiest questions, so instead just cleared through the 300+ emails in my inbox, answered a few, declined and accepted a few invites, and took a few walks with co-workers.
I'm usually conscious about what I spend, but after coming back from India I have taken a bright yellow highlighter to this aspect of my life. I spent around $22 at the grocery store yesterday buying apples, pears, bananas, kale, OJ, onions, and veg butter spread. I spent about $5.50 buying lunch today at work. And tonight I made a tasty dinner using whatever I had in the cabinet/fridge plus the kale from yesterday.
Here's what I made (and thoroughly enjoyed!):
- Heated up tomato soup that I threw together before India - was made with tomato juice and almond milk, pretty simple! (The past two days I've been eating homemade French onion soup - easily made with broth and onions I sauteed in butter before India and then threw in the freezer. The tomato soup was also stored in the freezer while I was away.)
- Sauteed garlic, kale, and artichoke hearts served over a cous cous/quinoa mix (each cooked separately: cous cous cooked as directed with butter and salt & quinoa cooked with nutritional yeast and lots of cracked black pepper instead of broth). YUM!
- Glass of OJ
- Mug of tropical green tea
- And a jar of green lentils are on the counter soaking in water so I can cook them up on Friday! (Tomorrow night is Michael's welcome dinner after work; he's the new guy on the team.)
Happy birthday today to momma dearest and godmomma AC! Now that my belly is full and the laundry is *almost* put away, the sleepies are setting in...soon to bed. Sweet dreams world. xo.